Friday 27 November 2009

Romper Stomper

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog site of film reviews, well ok lets also Americanise this and call them movies as well. Im fed up with choosing films that are rubbish and I really dont have the time to trawl around beforehand to check out loads of budding elite fo=ilm critics, so here in this site you get a basic down to earth review but without going into too much detail. I welcome your comments as well, are my summaries too long or too short or boring or simply a waste? I hope not because its for other that Im writing this!!
Anyway here's one that is of Australian origin, way back in 1992 when Russell Crowe who plays one of the leads was but a mere angry young man!! Film is set against Neo Nazi skinhead group, although in fact this film then expands into delving behind people predudicies, their tendancy towards group behaviour and leadership through to the individuals and relate to each other. I wont spoil the story line, just to say there are moments of humour thrown in to reinforce what I just said in the last sentence in between some at times gratuitous violence. For me though the film was let down by Crowe who just kept failing to look menacing enough with his baby blue eyes and cheeky youthful expressions - even though the character was cold he didnt manage to pull this one off. Still I suppose it was worth a watch just simply to see what happens when a group breaks down, bit by bit leaving behind just some bare exposed warned though the violence is pretty raw in places